The meaning of the Hadith related by Ibn `Abbas: 'When one of you dies, let you wrap them in a good shroud, hasten to put their will into action...'


Q 2: It was reported on the authority of Ibn `Abbas that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: When one of you dies, let you wrap them in a good shroud, hasten to put their will into action, dig their grave quite deep, and do not bury them beside an evil person. It was said: "O Messenger of Allah! Does a righteous person benefit in the Hereafter?" He (peace be upon him) asked: "Do they benefit in this worldly life?" They (i.e. Companions) replied in the affirmative. Hence, he (peace be upon him) said: "Likewise, they do in the Hereafter." Should the deceased be buried with righteous people? (Part No. 7; Page No. 329

A: A Muslim deceased should be buried in the graves of Muslims, as it is not permissible to bury them with the Kafirs (non-Muslims). The Hadith quoted above is mentioned by Al-Suyuty in his book Al-La'ali' Al-Masnu'ah Fi Al-Ahadith Al-Mawdu'ah, which contains the Hadiths Mawdu` (fabricated Hadiths) that are falsely attributed to the Prophet (peace be upon him), (Vol. 2, P.439).May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
